All this should not overshadow the real reason for this conference, however: freedom of speech. Western countries have been trampling on it for too long, and what better place to make a stand against these injustices than in Iran. I can only hope that Iran will next set its sights on the jailing of journalists and the horrible way in which the West treats their women. Only then will liberal democracies realize that their oppressive policies will no longer be tolerated.
David Duke isn't a man who should be looked down upon. So he was Grand Wizard of the most notorious hate group in the world, he's just a man in search of the honest, fair and balanced truth. And for those of you who think Grand Wizard is sort of a candy ass title for the leader of the Ku Klux Klan, you're probably right, but that doesn't change the facts. Plus he has a doctorate now, albeit one from a controversial Ukrainian University mired in accusations of anti-semitism. He earned that Ph.D., and he earned the right to refer to himself as doctor...every time he speaks in public.
Besides, how bad could David Duke really be, Time Magazine just named him the 2006 Person of the Year.