Now with a message like this, you may think that the church has a large following, but you would be wrong. Of its less than 100 members, all but one family or so are related by blood to Phelps. For you out there who say that this must mean there has been some sort of incestuous relationships, you would be right on target. Their website states that they are against violence and killing of any kind, including abortion, and they insist that all countries make homosexuality a capital crime and impose the death penalty. Now this may seem to be inherently contradictory, but one can't rely on facts when they have gays to discriminate against.
Phelps cites the sick perversions of every homosexual relationship, placing an entire group of people into one category. After all, if we can't trust vicious, ignorant stereotypes, how will we know anything about different kinds of people. But Fred Phelps is confident in his faith, and although he is still losing his 74 year old game of "smear the queer", he remains confident. He inspires his congregation every week with the words: "America is doomed."
1 comment:
I wrote about these idiots as well over at my blog (post was called "Jesus Is Hate?". They've taken to picketing soldier's funerals, saying lovely things about how the soldiers died in Iraq because God is mad that America condones homosexuality.
Now I don't agree with this war, not by a long shot, however, the soldiers are doing their jobs and dying as a result. Picketing a funeral is just plain wrong. Allow the deceased and the family their time to grieve, i.e. go back to the holes you crawled out of Westboro Batist Church members. Inhuman jerks.
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