Despite the effectiveness of these drugs in making sure children show no signs of life, i believe that there may be a better way. That is why I would like to introduce my newest invention: the ADD yard stick. It is made of spruce, a wood known for its high strength-to-weight ratio, and can really pack a wallop. The stick comes in packages of 6 or 12, since it usually doesn't last past one use, although for children with milder ADD, a swift rap on the knuckles is usually enough of a reminder to quiet them down.
Now I know you're thinking "That's a great idea, but what if my child or student has ADHD?" In the case of a child with this disorder, often the yard stick will not be enough to quiet them down. For these circumstances I have also developed the ADHD lead pipe. You'll feel like Colonel Mustard in the Conservatory as you bludgeon children with this wonderful educational tool. It's never too early to put a stop to ADD or ADHD behavior, and at only 19.99+S/H, you can't afford not to buy this terrific set. It makes a great gift, and remember, creative kids are the biggest threat we have to a docile and lazy society.
Brilliant. Blogged it over here. I have a site that has been in the back of my mind for years, just haven't sat down to code it.
Run with that one in your mind. Keep a straight face, be rational, firm - You'll laugh your ass off.
"Looks like someone needs a crying bag!"
Thanks! It's always nice to get a mention on another blog, especially one that I enjoy reading myself.
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