I am the honorable flamingo. What you read here might make you smile, make you think, or make you wonder. This is the world as I see it, from the view of a pink, long legged, slightly awkward bird.

Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11th - We Remember

September 11th, 2001 was a day no one who was old enough to remember will ever forget. Five years later that day has been used to justify a war, illegal wire-taps, and other activities. I hope that today, we can sit and remember the day for what it was, a horrible terrorist attack on not only the US, but western culture as a whole. A day that broke our hearts individually, but united them again as one heart and one nation, and tore down the walls of ignorance and intolerance that we had built, for however short a time.

Today, let us not only remember the victims of that fateful day, but also the men and women who fight each and every day for the freedoms and values that we as a culture hold dear. Take a moment to reflect on what 9/11 meant to you, and to think about the victims and the soldiers. If you have time, visit the websites at the bottom of this post, and take a minute to remember the people who gave their lives, or had their lives taken. Make 9/11 a day not to promote war, but a day to promote peace, tolerance and love of one another.

September 11th Victims Memorial
Honor The Fallen

Note: Now that I am back in school, posts should start coming a lot more frequently, and I should be updating almost every day.

1 comment:

The Flamingo said...

Thank you, I don't mind a bit.